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Introducing Outlier Events’ latest festival: Tots & Taps Fest!

Outlier Events, known for organizing popular festivals such as Donut & Beer Fest, Mac & Cheese Fest, Taco & Tequila Fest, and others, is now bringing you an exciting new experience.

Attendees can anticipate sampling a diverse array of dishes showcasing the ultimate potato delight—the TATER TOT. Additionally, there will be a plethora of breweries featuring a wide array of beer, seltzers, and spirits. 

This event is FUN FOR EVERYONE, all ages are welcome. Ticket options are available that exclude alcohol for individuals under 21 and for those who prefer not to partake in alcoholic beverages. Tickets will go on sale to the Priority List on March 7 and to the General Public on March 21. Join the Priority List today to be the first to access tickets! 

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